Psychology (PSY) (PSYC)
PSY 301. Careers in Psychology. 3 Hours.
Introduces students to the world of psychology beyond the classroom. Students meet guest speakers who have completed a degree in psychology and who are currently employed in various occupations. Additionally, students learn interview skills, how to write a resume, and how to apply to graduate school. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301 or consent of instructor.
PSY 314. Social Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course surveys important methods, findings, and theories in the study of social influences on behavior and emphasizes different perspectives on the relation between individuals and society.
PSY 316. Abnormal Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course surveys the various types of abnormal behavior including adjustment disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenic disorders, anxiety disorders, and organic brain disorders. It also examines the origins and treatments of abnormal behavior as well as the various classifications schemas. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSY 317. Psychology of Personality. 3 Hours.
This course reviews the various approaches to the study of personality and considers the determinants, development, and assessment of personality. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSY 320. Psychology of Interpersonal Interaction. 3 Hours.
The course examines the processes of social interaction, using the perspective of psychological theory and research. Topics include the growth of relationships, love, social exchange, impression management, communication, jealousy, loneliness, and games people play. Techniques for improving interactions are considered. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (NOTE: This course replaces IS 320.).
PSY 325. Sport Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course will provide students with an overview of the theories and research related to sport and exercise behavior. Topics to be covered include the history of sport psychology, behavioral principles, anxiety, motivation, leadership, group dynamics, gender, and personality. This course will also be designed to relate these principles to exercise and sport performance. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSY 350. Learning and Behavior. 3 Hours.
This course presents basic information about various types of learning and describes general theoretical and practical approaches to understanding and improving learning and behavioral processes. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSY 400. Internship (EL). 3 Hours.
This class provides field experience in psychology within local agencies and facilities with on-site supervision together with classroom activities. The internship is structured to provide students with exposure to workplace settings where persons with baccalaureate degrees in psychology are employed. Sites include in-patient and out-patient mental health and mental retardation facilities, correctional facilities, and human service organizations. It is offered Fall and Spring semesters. Note: Students may apply for Internship during the semester prior to when they intend taking the course. Student workload will be evaluated with regard to maximum course load concurrent with Internship. May be taken twice for a total of 6 SCH. Preference will be given to first semester applicants. This course integrates the priciples of Experiential Learning (EL) and meets the criteria for internships. Prerequisite: Senior standing and approval of instructor. Course is graded on Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) basis.
PSY 402. Experimental Psychology (EL). 3 Hours.
This course familiarizes the student with typical methods and techniques employed in psychological research. Students will perform psychophysical and other psychological experiments. This course integrates the principles of Experiential Learning and meets criteria for undergraduate research. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301 and PSYC 2317.
PSY 403. History of Psychology. 3 Hours.
History of Psychology introduces the major schools and systems of psychology as they have evolved and exist today. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301 and junior standing.
PSY 404. Industrial Psychology. 3 Hours.
PSY 404 examines the person in industrial/organizational system processes including recruitment, selection, promotion, training, performance appraisal, job satisfaction, work motivation, leadership, communication, job design, union/management relations, work conditions, human factors, and workplace ergonomics. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
PSY 406. Environmental Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course analyzes various aspects of the natural and built physical settings on human functioning and socialization. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSY 426. Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology. 3 Hours.
This class reviews clinical and counseling psychology, its history, perspective, conceptual framework, and treatment modalities. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSY 440. Psychology of Addiction. 3 Hours.
This course studies the prominent theories of addiction and surveys the research literature related to the psychological aspects of addiction. Included is a description of commonly abused legal and illegal substances and a discussion of the difference between substance abuse and dependence. Consideration is given to prominent forms of intervention and treatment.
PSY 443. Psychology of Death and Dying. 3 Hours.
Students study the processes of dying and the influence of the threat of death on human behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSY 445. Human Sexual Behavior. 3 Hours.
This class examines biological capabilities, psychological characteristics and social and cultural influences on human sexual behavior. (Cross listed with PSY 545.).
PSY 455. Brain and Behavior. 3 Hours.
Brain and Behavior examines the structure and functioning of the brain and of its many components down to the level of individual neurons. It looks at the development of the brain and the effects of drugs, disease, and injury. It provides an introduction to the processing of sensory information and control of movement by the brain. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301 and 6 SCH from the following: 3 SCH of which must be in biology (BIOL 1306 or BIOL 1307 or BIOL 1308 or BIOL 1309 or BIOL 2401 or BIOL 2402) and 3 SCH in (BIOL 1306 or BIOL 1307 or BIOL 1308 or BIOL 1309 or BIOL 2401 or BIOL 2402 or CHEM 1307 or CHEM 1311 or CHEM 1312 or PHYS 1301 or PHYS 1302 or PHYS 1315 or PHYS 1415 or PHYS 1417 or PHYS 2125 or PHYS 2126 or PHYS 2325 or PHYS 2326).
PSY 456. Sensation and Perception. 3 Hours.
This course explores how individuals perceive their surroundings by various sensory modalities and signal processing capabilities of the brain. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301 and 6 SCH from the following: 3 SCH of which must be in biology (BIOL 1306 or BIOL 1307 or BIOL 1308 or BIOL 1309 or BIOL 2401 or BIOL 2402) and 3 SCH in (BIOL 1306 or BIOL 1307 or BIOL 1308 or BIOL 1309 or BIOL 2401 or BIOL 2402 or CHEM 1307 or CHEM 1311 or CHEM 1312 or PHYS 1301 or PHYS 1302 or PHYS 1315 or PHYS 1415 or PHYS 1417 or PHYS 2125 or PHYS 2126 or PHYS 2325 or PHYS 2326).
PSY 465. Psychology of Aging. 3 Hours.
This course studies the theoretical and research literature related to the psychological aspects of aging. Consideration is given to changes in physical, perceptual, and cognitive processes as they affect vocational, social, and personal adjustment.
PSY 466. Cognitive Psychology. 3 Hours.
The student examines the study of thinking behaviors in humans and other higher animals including perception, categorization, reflection, self-awareness, communication, language, creativity, and other related topics. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSY 470. Psychology of Behavior Disorders. 3 Hours.
This class prepares students to diagnose psychological disorders using the current diagnostic manual. Videotape cases will be used to illustrate the various types of disorders. Attention will also be given to gathering relevant information from the clinical interview, psychometrics, and other sources to assist in the diagnostic process. Prerequisite: Admission to the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 471. Psychological Theories of Learning. 3 Hours.
This course surverys the various theories of learning from classical and operant conditioning to cognitive developmental models and information processing. This course emphasizes application of appropriate theories to real life situations. Prerequisite: Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 472. Behavior Modification. 3 Hours.
Examines the principles and techniques of behavior modification as it is applied to clinical, industrial and self-modification programs. Prerequisite: Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 473. Advanced Psychological Statistics. 3 Hours.
This applied course is designed to foster students' understanding of the relationship between research methodology and statistical analysis. Students will learn how to determine which statistic is appropriate given the particular research design and will apply their knowledge of psychological statistics by analyzing and interpreting sets of data. Prerequisite: Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 474. Research Literature and Techniques. 3 Hours.
Students will review and research studies produced by investigators in student's major field with emphasis on investigative and verification techniques employed. Demonstrate competence in using systematic research techniques by investigation and formal reporting of a problem. Prerequisite: Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 475. Advanced Cognitive Psychology. 3 Hours.
Students will synthesize and analyze classic and contemporary readings in the cognitive sciences and apply their acquired knowledge of the subject to a variety of activities designed to provide firsthand experience in the field of cognitive psychology. Prerequisite: Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 476. Advanced Physiological Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course examines the relationship between the brain and behavior. Students will study the anatomy of the central nervous system at a macroscopic and microscopic level, as well as the processees by which the nervous system interacts with the environment. Prerequisite: Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 477. Human Growth and Development. 3 Hours.
This course examines physical, cognitive and psychosexual development across the human life span. Emphasis is given to the complex process that grows out of the interactions between a changing person and a changing world that continues throughout the entire life span. Prerequisite: Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 478. Advanced Social Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course will examine the social influences on human behavior by reviewing current and historically relevant psychological research. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301, and Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 480. Advanced Personality Theories. 3 Hours.
This course will survey both classic and current topics in advanced personality psychology with an emphasis on application to both observational and experimental research in the field. Students will participate in a class project to write a research proposal and have the opportunity to participate in completing the project and presenting at a professional conference. Prerequisite: Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 481. Clinical Assessment. 3 Hours.
Provides students with historical perspective concerning the nature and meaning of assessment. Addresses basic concepts of standardized and non-standardized methods of clincial assessment- for a variety of clinical settings. Addresses statistical concepts and psychometric concepts of reliability and validity. The student will learn how the Mental Status Exam, Clinical Interview and assessments used in clinical settings and how to perform these and complete to report writing. The student will learn how to evaluate testing instruments. Issues of diversity and ethical strategies for selecting, administering and interpreting assessment and evaluation instruments is addressed. Prerequisite: Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 482. Ethics in Counseling and Psychology. 3 Hours.
Explores the range of ethical issues that professionals may encounter within the field of counseling and psychology. Through lecture, discussion, reading, and role-plays, students will explore such issues as ethical codes and ethical decision-making, boundaries of competence, confidentiality, dual relationships, insurance/third party payments, advertising, assessment, teaching, therapy and research. Prerequisite: Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 483. Psychopharmacology for Counselors. 3 Hours.
This course is a basic introduction to psychopharmacology non-medical counselors. Basic neuropsychological principles will be discussed and applied to relevant diagnostic groups involving various classes of psychopharmacological medications. The course will help counselors to understand client issues that pertain to psychopharmacology. It will equip the counselor-in-training to better understand psychopharmacology and to interact with medical personnel who prescribe psychotherapeutic medications. This training will allow counselors to understand how medications are used and how the application of various psychopharmacological medications can affect the counseling process. Prerequisite: Admission into the Undergraduate Scholars Early Start Psychology Master's Program.
PSY 489. Individual Study. 3 Hours.
This course provides individual instruction. Students may repeat the course when topics vary.
PSY 490. Undergraduate Research Practicum. 1-3 Hours.
Students will conduct faculty-supervised research. The scope and nature of the work will be determined by the faculty sponsor and the student. Prerequisite:Sophomore standing, faculty sponsor approval, PSYC 2301, and PSYC 2317.
PSY 497. Special Topics. 3 Hours.
Instructors will provide an organized class designed to cover areas of specific interest. Students may repeat the course when topics vary.
PSY 516. Psychological Theories of Learning. 3 Hours.
PSY 516 surveys the various theories of learning from classical and operant conditioning to cognitive developmental models and information processing. This course emphasizes application of appropriate theories to real life situations.
PSY 518. Thesis I. 3 Hours.
Student will conduct faculty-supervised research culminating in a thesis proposal. Prerequisite: Admission to the MS Psychology program; 6sch of graduate courses in Psychology with a B or better; Instructor Approval.
PSY 519. Thesis II. 3 Hours.
Student will conduct faculty supervised research culminating in a thesis defense. Prerequisite: PSY 518.
PSY 535. Behavior Modification. 3 Hours.
This course examines principles and techniques of behavior modification as it is applied to clinical, school, industrial and self-modification programs.
PSY 539. Advanced Psychological Statistics. 3 Hours.
Students will learn how to determine which statistical method is most appropriate for any given set of data. Students will also become adept in performing a variety of statistical computations as well as interpreting research results.
PSY 540. Research Literature and Techniques. 3 Hours.
Students will review and research studies produced by investigators in student's major field with emphasis on investigative and verification techniques employed. Demonstrate competence in using systematic research techniques by investigation and formal reporting of a problem.
PSY 541. Advanced Cognitive Psychology. 3 Hours.
Students will synthesize and analyze classic and contemporary readings in the cognitive sciences and apply their acquired knowledge of the subject to a variety of activities designed to provide firsthand experience in the field of cognitive psychology. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
PSY 542. Advanced Physiological Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course examines the relationship between the brain and behavior. Students will study the anatomy of the central nervous system at a macroscopic and microscopic level, as well as the processes by which the nervous system interacts with the environment. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and PSYC 2317.
PSY 543. Human Growth and Development. 3 Hours.
This course examines physical, cognitive and psychosexual development across the human life span. Emphasis is given to the complex process that grows out of the interactions between a changing person and a changing world that continues throughout the entire life span.
PSY 544. Advanced Social Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course will examine the social influences on human behavior by reviewing current and historically relevant psychological research. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSY 545. Human Sexual Behavior. 3 Hours.
Human Sexual Behavior examines biological capabilities, psychological characteristics, and social and cultural influences on human sexual behavior. The course emphasizes the diversity of sexual learning, attitudes, and values. Students who have already completed PSY 445 are not eligible for this course. (Cross listed with PSY 445.).
PSY 546. Advanced Personality Theories. 3 Hours.
This course will survey both classic and current topics in advanced personality psychology with an emphasis on application to both observational and experimental research in the field. Students will participate in a class project to write a research proposal and have the opportunity to participate in completing the project and presenting at a professional conference. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSY 572. Intelligence Testing. 3 Hours.
This class focuses on the assessment of intelligence of children, adolescents and adults. The course will familiarize students with the history, purpose and process of measuring intelligence. Students will administer, score, and interpret results on the WPPSI-III, WISC-IV and the WAIS-III.
PSY 581. Child and Adolescent Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course examines the bio-psychosocial issues of children and adolescents. Psychological theories and counseling interventions that address the emotional needs of children and adolescents are studied. Emphasis is given to the diagnosis of psychological disorders and psychological treatment.
PSY 589. Individual Study. 1-3 Hours.
This course provides individual instruction. Students may repeat the course when topics vary.
PSY 597. Special Topics. 3 Hours.
Instructors will provide an organized class designed to cover areas of specific interest. Students may repeat the course when topics vary.
PSYC 2301. General Psychology. 3 Hours.
In this course students will be introduced to fields of study such as cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, abnormal psychology and clinical psychology. This course will also dicuss the basic principles of learning, memory and motivation, as well as the classic theories that psychology is rooted upon.
PSYC 2308. Child Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course acquaints students with the basic principles and major issues influencing human development specific to infants and children. Theories and methods used to understand development will be discussed. Attention will be given to the social issues that affect our view of children and families, and special attention will be paid to the application of theories, methods and principles to working with children in the role of parent, care giver and teacher. This course will provide meaningful scientific information in understanding child development and in providing practical principles for working with children. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 2314. Lifespan Growth and Development. 3 Hours.
This course presents the growth and developmental stages of prenatal, birth, childhood, adolescence, young and middle adulthood, old age and death. It focuses on biological/genetic and environmental influences on cognitive, physical, and socioemotional/psychological development. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 2316. Psychology of Personality. 3 Hours.
This course reviews the various approaches to the study of personality and considers the determinants, development, and assessment of personality. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 2317. Statistical Methods in Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course will discuss the concepts and statistical procedures of data analysis used in the behavioral sciences. In the course students will learn ways to describe data (descriptive statistics) and methods of evaluating hypotheses and testing psychological theories (inferential statistics) using examples from the psychological literature. Specific topics will include t-test, ANOVA, correlation, regression and non-parametric tests. Prerequisite: MATH 1314.
PSYC 2320. Abnormal Psychology. 3 Hours.
This course surveys the various types of abnormal behavior including adjustment disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenic disorders, anxiety disorders, and organic brain disorders. It also examines the origins and treatments of abnormal behavior as well as the various classifications schemas. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 289. Independent Study. 1-4 Hours.
This course is individualized instruction/research at lower undergraduate level in a specialized content area under the direction of a faculty member. Prerequisite: Consent of faculty, coordinator, or department chair.