Bachelor of Science Nursing-(ADN to BSN)

The ADN-to-BSN offers an opportunity for a registered nurse with an associate degree in nursing to obtain a baccalaureate degree in nursing. The track provides a seamless articulation to the baccalaureate degree.

The ADN-to-BSN track is designed for the student who has completed an initial course of study that has culminated in RN licensure.  The ADN-to-BSN program builds on that foundation to prepare the student for a baccalaureate level of practice that emphasizes basic leadership skills, scholarship, evidence-based practice, and health prevention and promotion in a constantly changing healthcare environment. The graduate is prepared as a generalist with the clinical reasoning skills to care for individuals, families, populations and communities across the lifespan.

Admission requirements as outlined on the Nursing Program website. 


The baccalaureate degree program in nursing/master's degree program in nursing at Texas A&M University-Texarkana is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.

Degree Requirements

Students should refer to their DegreeWorks degree audit in their Web for Students account for more information regarding their degree requirements.

Major Requirements
General Education Requirements42
Transfer Nursing courses by validation/articulation counted as upper division credits30
NURS 301Professional Nursing Practice3
NURS 302Health Assessment Across the Life Span for the RN3
NURS 304Evidence Based Practice in Nursing for the RN3
NURS 305Professional Nursing Practice with Individuals and Families for the RN4
NURS 403Leadership and Management in Nursing Practice for the RN4
NURS 406Community Health Nursing Practice for the RN5
NURS 407Quality Care and Patient Safety in Professional Nursing Practice for the RN2
NURS 417Pathophysiology for the Registered Nurse3
3sch Approved Upper Division Elective or NURS 4323
Other Requirements
CHEM 1305Introductory Chemistry3
MATH 1342Elementary Statistical Methods3
or PSYC 2317 Statistical Methods in Psychology
Support Courses
PSYC 2314Lifespan Growth and Development3
BIOL 2401Human Anatomy and Physiology I4
BIOL 2402Human Anatomy and Physiology II4
BIOL 2405Introduction to Microbiology4
Electives as needed to satisfy minimum degree requirements including 54 semester credit hours of upper division coursework or total semester credit hours
Minimum Hours for Degree120

Note: A minimum of 54 upper division hours (300 and 400 level courses) are required for this degree. Resident credit totaling 25% of the hours is required for the degree.  A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in three areas for graduation:  Overall GPA, Institutional GPA, and Major GPA.

Degree Requirements

One Year Plan 

(If all other General Education, Support Courses & Other Requirements are Complete)

Fall Semester Credit Hours
NURS 301Professional Nursing Practice3
NURS 302Health Assessment Across the Life Span for the RN3
NURS 304Evidence Based Practice in Nursing for the RN3
NURS 305Professional Nursing Practice with Individuals and Families for the RN4
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours13
SpringSemester Credit Hours
NURS 403Leadership and Management in Nursing Practice for the RN4
NURS 406Community Health Nursing Practice for the RN5
NURS 407Quality Care and Patient Safety in Professional Nursing Practice for the RN2
NURS 417Pathophysiology for the Registered Nurse3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours14
Summer Semester Credit Hours
Upper Level Elective3
Summer Total Semester Credit Hours3
Total Credit Hours30
Electives as needed to satisfy minimum degree requirements including 54 semester credit hours of upper division coursework or 120 total semester credit hours
Total Semester Credit Hours Required for Degree120

Two Year Plan

(If all other General Education, Support Courses & Other Requirements are Complete)

First Year

Fall Semester Credit Hours
NURS 301Professional Nursing Practice3
NURS 302Health Assessment Across the Life Span for the RN3
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours6
SpringSemester Credit Hours
NURS 407Quality Care and Patient Safety in Professional Nursing Practice for the RN2
NURS 417Pathophysiology for the Registered Nurse3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours5
Upper Level Elective in Summer 3
Total First Year Credit Hours14
Electives as needed to satisfy minimum degree requirements including 54 semester credit hours of upper division coursework or 120 total semester credit hours

Second Year 

Fall Semester Credit Hours
NURS 304Evidence Based Practice in Nursing for the RN3
NURS 305Professional Nursing Practice with Individuals and Families for the RN4
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours7
SpringSpring Credit Hours
NURS 406Community Health Nursing Practice for the RN5
NURS 403Leadership and Management in Nursing Practice for the RN4
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours9
Total Second Year Credit Hours16
Total First & Second Year Semester Credit Hours30
Electives as needed to satisfy minimum degree requirements including 54 semester credit hours of upper division coursework or 120 total semester credit hours
Total Semester Credit Hours Required for Degree120

Note: A minimum of 54 upper division hours (300 and 400 level courses) are required for this degree. Resident credit totaling 25% of the hours is required for the degree.  A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in three areas for graduation:  Overall GPA, Institutional GPA, and Major GPA.