College of Business, Engineering, and Technology

A degree from the College of Business, Engineering, and Technology at Texas A&M University-Texarkana provides a degree of recognized distinction.  Texas  A&M University- Texarkana business, engineering, and other technology oriented professional students have the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking, leadership, communications, team work, and problem solving.  These skills prepare students for their future roles, leading businesses and technology into the next millennium. The College of Business, Engineering, and Technology faculty are fully qualified and are eager to provide an exceptional educational experience for students.

The College of Business, Engineering, and Technology has partnerships with various local, regional, national and international professional groups  which guides curriculum development allowing the College to offer top quality level educational programs. This College offers many degrees building skills to become successful technical leaders and managers in professional positions in a wide range of various industries.

Vision Statement

Texas A&M –Texarkana College of Business, Engineering, and Technology will be the preferred choice institution for students and prospective employers, known for academic excellence, student success and community leadership.  We will not only prepare students for their chosen careers but also develop their capacities for community involvement and leadership.