Bachelor of General Studies

The Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) degree is an interdisciplinary degree program consisting of the Texas Core Curriculum, required courses in the major, and two student-selected subject areas called concentrations. Each concentration requires 12 upper division semester credit hours from courses sharing the same course prefix. Subject areas, one of which must be housed in the College of Arts, Sciences and Education (CASE), include the following:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • English
  • Criminal Justice
  • History
  • Instructional Technology
  • Kinesiology
  • Leadership
  • Mass Communication
  • Psychology
  • Political Science
  • Sociology
  • Business (no more than one subject from a business discipline may be used to comprise a concentration and it must be a pure prefix from one of the following business subjects: Accounting, Finance, General Business, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing or Supply Chain Management.)
  • An Interdisciplinary Studies (I.S) concentration area can be used with the following stipulations. The student:
    • is a junior or senior who is a former BSIS EC-6 major or has a plethora of hours with the urgent need to graduate.
    • is approaching the maximum number of hours recommended for an undergraduate degree.
    • is not a freshman or sophomore.
    • has attained approval by a BGS advisor.

The BGS Program may not be used for undergraduate Teacher Certification Students.  

BGS students can intern and work in a variety of career sectors including non-profit organizations and for profit organizations.

Program Advisors:

Daisy Bates


Faculty, Program Advisor and Coordinator:

Katheryn Hartshorn


Degree Requirements

Students should refer to their DegreeWorks degree audit in their Web for Students account for more information regarding their degree requirements.

Major Requirements
General Education Requirements42
MCOM 380Advanced Professional Communication3
or COMM 380 Professional Communication
ENG 340Advanced Expository Writing (EL)3
or ENG 345 Advanced Composition for Educators
or ENG 350 Advanced Technical Writing
ITED 350Technology and Digital Literacy3
or ITED 315 Introduction to Instructional Technology
LEAD 310Leadership Theory and Practice3
LEAD 495Deductive Learning: Self-development in Professional Contexts3
Select one of the following:3
Organizational Behavior
Psychology of Interpersonal Interaction
Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practices
Subject Area
Upper Division from Same Discipline Prefix Number12
Subject Area
Upper Division from Same Discipline Prefix Number12
3 semester credit hours upper division from any discipline (300 & 400 level course)3
Electives (as needed to meet minimum degree requirements including 45 semester credits of upper division)
Total Minimum Hours for Degree120

Satisfies core curriculum (general education) component area option.


Taken during final semester prior to graduation

Note: A minimum of 45 upper division hours are required for this degree.  Resident credit totaling of 25% of the hours is required for the degree.

Bachelor of General Studies (BGS)

Students should refer to their DegreeWorks degree audit in their Web for Students account for more information regarding their degree requirements.

First Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
ENGL 1301Composition I requires minimum grade of 'C', Satisfies Core Curriculum3
HIST 1301United States History I Satisfies Core Curriculum3
Mathematics Core Curriculum Requirement3
Creative Arts Core Curriculum Requirement3
Social and Behavioral Science Core Curriculum Requirement
IS 1100University Foundations mandatory for FTIC students only, or AAS 1100 for transfer students1
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours16
SpringSemester Credit Hours
ENGL 1302Composition II Satisfies Core Curriculum3
or ENGL 2311 Technical Writing & Communication
HIST 1302United States History II Satisfies Core Curriculum3
SPCH 1315Public Speaking Satisfies Core Curriculum3
or COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication
or COMM 1311 Introduction to Communication Studies
Language, Philosophy and Culture Core Curriculum Requirement3
Component Area Option B of the Core Curriculum3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total First Year Semester Credit Hours31

Second Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
PSCI 2305U.S. Government and Politics3
Life and Physical Sciences Core Curriculum Requirement3-4
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours15-16
SpringSemester Credit Hours
PSCI 2306State and Local Government3
Life and Physical Sciences Core Curriculum Requirement3-4
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15-16
Total Second Year Semester Credit Hours30-32

Third Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
MCOM 380Advanced Professional Communication3
or COMM 380 Professional Communication
LEAD 310Leadership Theory and Practice3
Choose 1 from the following:3
Advanced Expository Writing (EL)
Advanced Composition for Educators
Advanced Technical Writing
3sch Upper Division Course for Subject Area 13
Choose 1 from the following:3
Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practices
Organizational Behavior
Psychology of Interpersonal Interaction
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours15
SpringSemester Credit Hours
ITED 315Introduction to Instructional Technology3
or ITED 350 Technology and Digital Literacy
3sch Upper Division Course for Subject Area 13
3sch Upper Division Course for Subject Area 13
3sch Upper Division Course for Subject Area 13
3sch Upper Division Course for Subject Area 23
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total Third Semester Credit Hours30

Fourth Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
3sch Upper Division Course for Subject Area 23
3sch Upper Division Course for Subject Area 23
3sch Upper Division Elective (300-400 level)3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours15
SpringSemester Credit Hours
LEAD 495Deductive Learning: Self-development in Professional Contexts3
3sch Upper Division Course for Subject Area 23
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total Fourth Year Semester Credit Hours30
Total Semester Credit Hours Required for Degree120

Note: A minimum of 45 upper division hours are required for this degree. Resident credit totaling 25% of the hours is required for the degree.