BBA-Business Information Systems Concentration

The Business Information Systems concentration prepares our students to maximize the utilization of systems in the business world. As the world business community goes more cyber, updated systems skills are needed to maximize the profitability of the business. College of Business students in the Business Information Systems concentration at Texas A&M University-Texarkana learn foundational information systems skills that employers will capitalize upon to improve their business operations. Students learn project management skills that are demanded of the skilled BIS professional in the business community. Students learn the fundamentals of designing security in web based business systems. Students explore the foundations of data mining and analysis, providing optimal information to management teams. In addition, College of Business BIS students learn how to use this information to enhance their critical thinking skills, to communicate findings to stakeholders, and to draw sound conclusions from the data extracted. BIS graduates from the College of Business find opportunities for employment in many areas including banking and financial institutions, industrial companies, and service companies. The skills gained by A&M-Texarkana business graduates provide a sustained competitive advantage for companies, both locally and in the global marketplace.

Degree Requirements

Students should refer to their DegreeWorks degree audit in their Web for Students account for more information regarding their degree requirements.

Major Requirements
General Education Requirements42
Business Administration College Core Courses
ACCT 430Business Ethics3
FIN 354Financial Management3
GBUS 310Business Communications3
GBUS 440International Business (EL)3
MGT 395Principles of Management3
MGT 439Business Strategy and Policy3
MGT 465Production and Operations Management3
MIS 360Essentials of Management Information Systems3
MKT 363Marketing3
SCM 324Business Data Analytics I3
or MGT 324 Business Data Analytics I
Department Core
CS 355Python Programming3
CS 352Java Programming I3
CS 353Java Programming II3
CS 361Database Systems and Design3
CS 465Computer Security3
CS 430Mobile App Development3
Business Information Systems Concentration
MIS 302Enterprise Resource Planning3
CS 481Software Project Management3
CS 484DevOps and Software Testing3
CS 495Computer Science Capstone3
College Core-Business Introductory courses
ACCT 2301Principles of Accounting I3
ACCT 2302Principles of Accounting II3
BUSI 2301Business Law3
ECON 2301Principles of Macroeconomics 23
ECON 2302Principles of Microeconomics 23
MATH 1342Elementary Statistical Methods3
Minimum Hours for Degree120

Satisfies Core Curriculum


Upper Division Business Electives include 300 & 400 level courses from Accounting, General Business, Finance, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing & Supply Chain Management

Note: A minimum of 54 upper division hours (300 and 400 level courses) are required for this degree. Resident credit totaling 25% of the hours is required for the degree.  A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in three areas for graduation:  Overall GPA, Institutional GPA, and Major GPA.

4 Year Plan

First Year

ENGL 1301Composition I requires minimum grade of 'C', Satisfies Core Curriculum3
HIST 1301United States History I Satisfies Core Curriculum3
MATH 1314College Algebra satisfies core curriculum3
Language, Philosophy and Culture Core Curriculum Requirement3
Component Area Option B of the Core Curriculum3
IS 1100University Foundations mandatory for FTIC students only/not required for transfer students1
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours15-16
ENGL 1302Composition II satisfies core curriculum; minimum grade of 'B' or higher3
or ENGL 2311 Technical Writing & Communication
HIST 1302United States History II satisfies core curriculum3
SPCH 1315Public Speaking satisfies core curriculum3
or COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication
or COMM 1311 Introduction to Communication Studies
MATH 1342Elementary Statistical Methods satisfies core curriculum3
MIS 360Essentials of Management Information Systems3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total First Year Semester Credit Hours30-31

Second Year 

Life and Physical Sciences Core Curriculum Requirement3-4
PSCI 2305U.S. Government and Politics3
Creative Arts Core Curriculum Requirement3
CS 355Python Programming3
GBUS 310Business Communications3
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours15
Life and Physical Sciences Core Curriculum Requirement
ECON 2301Principles of Macroeconomics satisfies core curriculum3
BUSI 2301Business Law3
PSCI 2306State and Local Government3
CS 361Database Systems and Design3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total 2nd Year Semester Credit Hours30

 Third Year

ACCT 2301Principles of Accounting I3
CS 352Java Programming I3
MGT 395Principles of Management3
MKT 363Marketing3
Upper or Lower Division Electives to satisfy degree requirements3
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours15
CS 353Java Programming II3
FIN 354Financial Management3
CS 465Computer Security3
ACCT 2302Principles of Accounting II3
ECON 2302Principles of Microeconomics3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total Third Year Semester Credit Hours30

Fourth Year

MGT 439Business Strategy and Policy3
MGT 465Production and Operations Management3
GBUS 440International Business (EL)3
CS 430Mobile App Development3
MIS 302Enterprise Resource Planning3
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours15
ACCT 430Business Ethics3
CS 481Software Project Management3
CS 484DevOps and Software Testing3
CS 495Computer Science Capstone3
SCM 324Business Data Analytics I3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total Fourth Year Semester Credit Hours30
Minimum Hours for Degree120