Bachelor of Science-Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics prepares its students with a rigorous first-class curriculum that fulfills majors in Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Engineering, Physics, and Computer Science as well as majors from the College of Arts, Sciences, and Education. We promote interdisciplinary collaboration with colleagues on campus and the larger research community. We provide local industries with a resource for grants and partnerships. We undergird the local economy by graduating well-trained STEM professionals who will contribute as highly productive members of the workforce. We partner with regional school districts to train exceedingly competent teachers of elementary, middle, and high school mathematics. Existing teachers are offered professional development through seminars and workshops. We support local junior colleges with a smooth transfer experience allowing students to complete a quality four-year STEM degree at an affordable price.

Students will appreciate the unique university experience at Texas A&M University-Texarkana.  Internationally known and locally recognized, our diverse faculty are dedicated to excellent teaching, quality research, and professional service.  Students will encounter opportunities and challenges to grow beyond their initial expectations.  With a small student-teacher ratio, office hours are staffed and students are advised by the instructor of record.  Instruction is distinguished through the use of high-impact practices such as cooperative learning groups, internships, research projects, capstone courses, and inquiry-based learning.  Multiple technologies and media are harnessed to generate a dynamic classroom environment.  Teamwork, communication, and creative thinking are modeled in a group discovery process.  Rather than dispensing the material in a monotonous lecture, instructors guide students with open-ended questions allowing them to explore ideas independently.  Enabling students to develop conceptual understanding through their own investigations is what produces excellent STEM scholars and what makes studying mathematics distinctive and exciting at Texas A&M University-Texarkana. 

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Department of Mathematics at Texas A&M University-Texarkana to cultivate life-long learners with superior mathematical skills and maturity who appreciate the history and beauty of mathematics, who understand the interconnectedness of concepts and diversity of applications, and who are keenly aware of the utility of mathematics to investigate, explain, and de-mystify our world.

Concentrations in Mathematics: