Bachelor of Science-Chemistry

The A&M-Texarkana chemistry program offers a Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.) in Chemistry. It offers courses for fulfilling undergraduate degree requirements in two concentrations: (a) general chemistry and (b) secondary teacher certification. The B.S. in Chemistry curriculum provides the necessary background and understanding for students to tackle any job related to chemistry. In addition, the program supports other disciplines, such as biology, biotechnology, nursing, kinesiology, and criminal justice, where the subject matter depends, in part, on the knowledge of the principles of chemistry. The courses offered by the chemistry program will serve as preparation for students that are contemplating post-graduate studies in chemistry or in other disciplines such as medicine, pharmacy, or veterinary medicine.

Careers in Chemistry

Successful completion of the chemistry program enables graduates to pursue careers in industry, government, teaching, or to continue education at the graduate level.  Visit the ACS Chemistry for Life website to find additional information regarding careers in chemistry.

Degree Requirements

Students should refer to their DegreeWorks degree audit in their Web for Students account for more information regarding their degree requirements.  

Major Requirements
General Education Requirements42
BIOL 1306Biology for Science Majors I 13
BIOL 1106Biology for Science Majors I Lab 11
BIOL 1307Biology for Science Majors II 13
BIOL 1107Biology for Science Majors II Lab 11
CHEM 1311General Chemistry I 13
CHEM 1111General Chemistry I (Lab) 11
CHEM 1312General Chemistry II 13
CHEM 1112General Chemistry II (Lab) 11
CHEM 2423Organic Chemistry I4
CHEM 2425Organic Chemistry II4
CHEM 321Inorganic Chemistry4
CHEM 340Quantitative Chemical and Instrumental Analysis4
CHEM 351Physical Chemistry I4
CHEM 410Biochemistry I4
CHEM 497Special Topics in Chemistry1-4
MATH 2413Calculus I 14
PHYS 2125University Physics I Lab1
PHYS 2325University Physics I3
PHYS 2126University Physics II Lab1
PHYS 2326University Physics II3
Other Requirements
CHEM 352Physical Chemistry II (EL)4
CHEM 405Environmental Chemistry3
CHEM 411Biochemistry II3
CHEM 421Advanced Inorganic Chemistry3
CHEM 440Instrumental Analysis4
CHEM 479Capstone in Chemistry3
CHEM 499Independent Research1-12
MATH 2414Calculus II4
MATH 357Probability and Statistics using R3-4
or MATH 2415 Calculus III
Electives (as needed to meet minimum degree requirements including 46 semester credit hours of upper division)
Minimum Hours for Degree120

Satisfies Core Curriculum requirements

Note: A minimum of 46 upper division hours (300 and 400 level courses) are required for this degree. Resident credit totaling 25% of the hours is required for the degree.  A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in three areas for graduation:  Overall GPA, Institutional GPA, and Major GPA. 

Bachelor of Science-Chemistry

Students should refer to their DegreeWorks degree audit in their Web for Students account for more information regarding their degree requirements.  

First Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
MATH 1314College Algebra satisfies core curriculum; Only if needed as prereq for MATH 24133-4
or MATH 2412 Pre-Calculus
BIOL 1306Biology for Science Majors I satisfies core curriculum 3
BIOL 1106Biology for Science Majors I Lab satisfies core curriculum 1
IS 1100University Foundations satisfies core curriculum 1
ENGL 1301Composition I satisfies core curriculum 3
SPCH 1315Public Speaking satisfies core curriculum 3
or COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication
or COMM 1311 Introduction to Communication Studies
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours14-15
SpringSemester Credit Hours
MATH 2413Calculus I satisfies core curriculum 4
BIOL 1307Biology for Science Majors II satisfies core curriculum 3
BIOL 1107Biology for Science Majors II Lab satisfies core curriculum 1
Language, Philosophy and Culture Core Curriculum Requirement3
ENGL 1302Composition II satisfies core curriculum 3
or ENGL 2311 Technical Writing & Communication
Creative Arts Core Curriculum Requirement3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours17
Total First Year Semester Credit Hours31-32

Second Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
CHEM 1311General Chemistry I satisfies core curriculum 3
CHEM 1111General Chemistry I (Lab) satisfies core curriculum 1
PHYS 2325University Physics I3
PHYS 2125University Physics I Lab1
PSCI 2305U.S. Government and Politics3
HIST 1301United States History I satisfies core curriculum 3
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours14
SpringSemester Credit Hours
CHEM 1312General Chemistry II satisfies core curriculum 3
CHEM 1112General Chemistry II (Lab) satisfies core curriculum 1
PHYS 2326University Physics II3
PHYS 2126University Physics II Lab1
PSCI 2306State and Local Government3
HIST 1302United States History II satisfies core curriculum 3
MATH 2414Calculus II satisfies core curriculum 4
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours18
Total Second Year Semester Credit Hours32

Third Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
CHEM 2423Organic Chemistry I4
CHEM 340Quantitative Chemical and Instrumental Analysis4
CHEM 351Physical Chemistry I4
MATH 357Probability and Statistics using R 13-4
or MATH 2415 Calculus III
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours15-16
SpringSemester Credit Hours
CHEM 2425Organic Chemistry II4
CHEM 440Instrumental Analysis4
CHEM 352Physical Chemistry II (EL)4
social and behavioral science core curriculum requirement/3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total Third Year Semester Credit Hours30-31

Fourth Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
CHEM 321Inorganic Chemistry4
CHEM 410Biochemistry I4
CHEM 405Environmental Chemistry3
CHEM 499Independent Research 11-6
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours12-17
SpringSemester Credit Hours
CHEM 411Biochemistry II3
CHEM 421Advanced Inorganic Chemistry3
CHEM 497Special Topics in Chemistry 11-4
CHEM 479Capstone in Chemistry3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours10-13
Total Fourth Year Semester Credit Hours22-30
Total Minimum Semester Credit Hours for Degree 2120

Reminder: 46sch of Upper Division (300 & 400 level) Coursework is required.


Electives may be required to meet the total overall hours and Upper Division requirement depending on the SCH of the variable credit hour courses taken.

NOTE: A minimum of 46 upper division hours (300 and 400 level courses) are required for this degree. Resident credit totaling 25% of the total hours is required for the degree.  A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in  three areas for graduation: Overall GPA, Institutional GPA, and Major GPA.