Bachelor of Science-Mass Communication

Mass Communication is the mass production or mass distribution of news, art, entertainment, or persuasive messages intended for a large audience, in all media from print to corporate communications to independent online broadcasting – from the Wall Street Journal to Instagram. Our curriculum combines theory and practice to provide you with the breadth and depth of a liberal arts education and the hands-on production experience that will prepare you for the professional world.

If you enjoy writing, organizing information, engaging with media culture, and connecting with others, and you aspire to a meaningful livelihood communicating ideas, proposals, and useful information to readers, listeners, viewers, and audiences worldwide from your company, computer, or community, then mass communication is the career for you.

What You’ll Learn from Us

  • How to inform, explain, influence, persuade, mediate, and negotiate
  • Critical thinking and precise reasoning in legal and ethical mass media issues
  • Effective oral, written, visual, and digital communication skills
  • Media literacy skills in analyzing the influence of mass communication on citizens and society
  • A historical understanding of the evolution of media industries and technology that will assist you in mapping cultural change and allow you to take an active and responsible role in shaping our contemporary media culture
  • The theoretical and practical principles of public relations and advertising
  • The theory and practice of publication design and layout (including the Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Photoshop, and WordPress)
  • The theoretical and practical principles of multimedia production (including the Adobe Creative Suite and Adobe Premiere)

As a mass communication major, you will earn a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication from a university system with a stellar national and international reputation. Your degree will prepare you to work in many fields of mass communication or to continue studies in a graduate program. 

In general, you will learn about the world of mass media, polish verbal and writing skills, devise public relations campaigns, write news stories, research topics from advertising and politics to comic books and video games, or create ads, magazine layouts, and even short films.

The first course, Introduction to Mass Communication, will survey all mass media and communication industries so you can decide to focus on the ones that interest you the most. Required courses in media writing, media law and ethics, mass communication theory, and research methods, will provide a professional foundation for any specialization studied through elective courses in advertising, broadcasting, journalism, media studies, or public relations.

What You’ll Do Here

Mass Communication majors will have many professional development opportunities, including (but not limited to):

  • writing for our digital campus newspaper Eagle Eye, or starting a multimedia blog
  • studying the history of American film and television or providing coverage of a film festival;
  • devising an advertising strategy for an area business;
  • preparing audio files for broadcast or podcast;
  • producing short films or graphic design work to establish a professional portfolio; or
  • working in public relations to contribute to a Texarkana non-profit organization.

Graduates of our program have produced marketing materials for the university, programmed a weekly film series with guest speakers, contributed to an A&M-Texarkana graphic design showcase, and took a trip to the Turner Classic Movies Film Festival in Los Angeles. And our Mass Communication Club has competed at the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association convention and been awarded Student Organization of the Year.

Mass Communication Careers





Community Affairs Director

Copy Editor

Corporate Communications




Editorial Project Manager

Events Manager


Fundraising Manager

Graphic Designer



Managing Editor

Marketing Manager

Marketing Researcher

Media Critic

Media Relations Director

Media Spokesperson


News Director


Press Secretary


Public Affairs Analyst

Public Relations Consultant





Social Marketer

Special Events Promoter


and many more


Please contact Prof. Kevin Ells at (903) 223-3040 /

Degree Requirements

Students should refer to their DegreeWorks degree audit in their Web for Students account for more information regarding their degree requirements.

General Education Requirements42
*Students MUST earn a grade of "C" or better in all coursework in the MCOM major or minor*
COMM 1307Introduction to Mass Communication 53
MCOM 1336Visual Media Production3
MCOM 2303Audio Production3
MCOM 2311Media Writing3
Choose 1 of the following courses in Strategic Communication:3
Advertising and Public Relations
Introduction to Public Relations
Principles of Advertising
MCOM 2360Publication Design and Production3
MCOM 300Mass Communication Theory3
MCOM 305Media Law and Ethics3
MCOM 350Mass Communication Research Methods3
Choose 1 of the following:3
Internship in Mass Comm (EL)
12 semester credit hours in Upper Division Mass Communication electives12
*Students MUST earn a grade of "C" or better in all coursework in the MCOM major or minor*
Minimum 18 semester credit hours in an approved, existing minor program from this or another college
ELECTIVES (as needed to satisfy minimum degree requirements including 45 semester credit hours of Upper Division Coursework)

This course is a blanket prerequisite for all upper division MCOM courses, except when taken concurrently with instructor permission.

Note: Must complete lower division courses as prerequisites for most upper division courses. See Course List for specific requirements.  A minimum of 45 upper division hours are required for this degree.  Resident credit totaling 25% of the total hours is required for the degree.

Bachelor of Science-Mass Communication 4 Year Plan

First Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
ENGL 1301Composition I requires minimum grade of 'C'; satisfies core curriculum3
HIST 1301United States History I satisfies core curriculum 3
COMM 1307Introduction to Mass Communication requires a minimum grade of 'C'; satisfies core curriculum 3
Mathematics Core Curriculum Requirement3-4
Language, Philosophy and Culture Core Curriculum Requirement3
IS 1100University Foundations1
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours16-17
SpringSemester Credit Hours
ENGL 1302Composition II requires a minimum grade of 'C'; satisfies core curriculum3
HIST 1302United States History II satisfies core curriculum 3
creative arts core curriculum requirement/3
MCOM 2311Media Writing requires a minimum grade of 'C'3
Social and Behavioral Science Core Curriculum Requirement3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total First Year Semester Credit Hours31-32
NOTE: The following courses are included in the major GPA calculation: COMM 1307, MCOM 2311

Second Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
Life and Physical Sciences Core Curriculum Requirement3-4
Select one of the following courses in Strategic Communication: requires a minimum grade of 'C'3
Advertising and Public Relations
Introduction to Public Relations
Principles of Advertising
PSCI 2305U.S. Government and Politics3
MCOM 1336Visual Media Production requires a grade of 'C' or higher3
Mass Communication Upper Division Elective requires a minimum grade 'C'3
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours15
SpringSemester Credit Hours
Life and Physical Sciences Core Curriculum Requirement3-4
PSCI 2306State and Local Government3
Component Area Option B of the Core Curriculum3
Mass Communication Upper Division Elective 300-400 level MCOM or COMM; requires a minimum grade of 'C'3
Minor Required Course Minimum 18 semester credit hours from minor listed in catalog3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total Second Year Semester Credit Hours30-32
NOTE: The following courses are included in the major GPA calculation: MCOM 2320, 2340, 2350, 1336, MCOM Upper Division Electives

Third Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
MCOM 305Media Law and Ethics requires a grade of 'C' or higher3
MCOM 2303Audio Production requires a grade of 'C' or higher3
MCOM 2360Publication Design and Production minimum grade of 'C' required3
MCOM Upper Division Elective 300-400 level MCOM or COMM; requires a minimum grade of 'C'3
Minor Required Course Minimum 18 semester credit hours from minor listed in catalog3
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours15
SpringSemester Credit Hours
MCOM 300Mass Communication Theory requires a minimum grade of 'C'3
MCOM Upper Division Elective 300-400 level MCOM or COMM; requires a minimum grade of 'C'3
Minor Required Course Minimum 18 semester credit hours from minor listed in catalog3
Minor Required Course Minimum 18 semester credit hours from minor listed in catalog3
Upper Division Elective 300-400 level course3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total Third Year Semester Credit Hours30
NOTE: The following courses are included in the major GPA calculation: MCOM 305, 2303, 2360, 300, MCOM UD Electives

Fourth Year

FallSemester Credit Hours
MCOM 350Mass Communication Research Methods requires minimum grade of 'C'3
Choose 1 of the following: requires minimum grade of 'C' 3
Internship in Mass Comm (EL) requires minimum grade of 'C'
Minor Required Course Minimum 18 semester credit hours from minor listed in catalog3
Minor Required Course Minimum 18 semester credit hours from minor listed in catalog3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Fall Total Semester Credit Hours15
SpringSemester Credit Hours
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Elective - Upper or Lower Division as needed to meet upper division and overall requirement3
Spring Total Semester Credit Hours15
Total Fourth Year Semester Credit Hours30
Total Semester Credit Hours Required for the Degree120
NOTE: The following courses are included in the major GPA calculation: MCOM 350, 310, 490, 493, 494

Note: All courses in the major must be completed with a grade of 'C' or higher.   A minimum of 45 upper division hours are required for this degree.  Resident credit totaling 25% of the total hours is required for the degree.