Division of Humanities


A minor requires a minimum of 18 SCH in a discipline, with the exception of the interdisciplinary-studies minor that requires hours from more than one discipline.


COMM 1311Introduction to Communication Studies3
COMM 1318Interpersonal Communication3
COMM 2335Argumentation and Advocacy3
COMM 320Communication in Organizations3
COMM 325Persuasive Communication3
MCOM 350Mass Communication Research Methods3
Total Hours18


DRAM 1310Introduction to Theatre3
DRAM 1351Acting I3
DRAM 310Myths, Mysteries, and Murders3
DRAM 311Manners, Modernity, and Masochism3
DRAM 335Playwriting I3
DRAM 450Studies in Genre (Drama)3
Total Hours18


ENGL 2360Introduction to Literary Studies3
Sophomore Level English Elective:3
British Literature
American Literature
World Literature
Writing Across the Curriculum
Technical Writing & Communication
12sch Upper Division English (300 or 400 level)12
Total Hours18


HIST 1301United States History I3
HIST 1302United States History II3
Upper-division History Electives12
Total Hours18


HUMA 1301Introduction to the Humanities I3
or IS 1300 The Human Experience
ARTS 1301Art Appreciation3
or MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation
or DRAM 1310 Introduction to Theatre
or HUMA 2306 Introduction to Ethics
HISP 2375United States Hispanic Culture and Civilization3
or MCOM 2370 Introduction to American Film History
or WGSS 1301 Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Upper Division English Elective (300-400 level)3
Upper Division History Elective (300-400 level)3
Upper Division Elective from: ART, DRAM, ENG, HUMA, HIST, MCOM, WGSS (300-400 level course)3
Total Hours18

International Studies

College-level Foreign Language6
Select twelve sch from the following:12
Studies in Genre
Advanced British Literature
Modern Latin America
The Culture and History of Mexico
Europe, 1920 to the Present
Twentieth Century Asia
Introduction to Comparative Politics
Introduction to International Relations
Disputes in International Relations
Globalization and Social Change
Religion and Society
Total Hours18

 Any foreign-language of 3 SCH with an international travel component, in addition to the 6 SCH foreign-language requirement.

Mass Communication

MCOM 1307Introduction to Mass Communication3
Sophomore Level Mass-Communication course (2000 course number)3
Select one of the following:3
Media Law and Ethics
Mass Communication Theory
Mass Communication Research Methods
Upper Division Mass-Communication elective courses6
Mass Communication Elective (upper division or lower division)3
Total Hours18


Required Lower Division Language Courses
SPAN 1311Beginning Spanish I3
SPAN 1312Beginning Spanish II3
SPAN 2311Intermediate Spanish I3
SPAN 2312Intermediate Spanish II3
Required Upper Division Language Courses
SPAN 303Spanish Composition and Conversation 13
or SPAN 497 Special Topics
Interdisciplinary Course Requirements
Select one of the following:3
Latin America-The Colonial Era
Modern Latin America
The Culture and History of Mexico
The minor advisor may approve the substitution of other courses, which have Latin America as their primary focus.
Total Hours18

 Prior to enrolling in Spanish courses, students must complete the following:

  • Pass a Spanish Proficiency Exam at a level of 300
  • Complete an oral interview with the Spanish instructor
  • Receive permission from the Spanish instructor to enroll in course

Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies

WGSS 1301Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies3
WGSS 497Special Topics in WGSS3
or WGSS 489 Independent Study in WGSS
12 Credits from the following:12
Types of Crime
Studies in Women's Literature
Sex, Swords, & Sorcery: The Medieval World in Anglo-American Film
American Social and Intellectual History
Advanced Academic Argument Seminar/Continental Philosophy
Introduction to Political Ideologies
American Political Theory
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Politics and Gender
Psychology of Interpersonal Interaction
Human Sexual Behavior
Marriage and Family
Total Hours18

Writing Studies

ENGL 2340Writing Across the Curriculum3
ENGL 23513
MCOM 2311Media Writing3
Select 3 of the following courses:9
Advanced Expository Writing (EL)
Advanced Composition for Educators
Advanced Technical Writing
Writing Processes & Strategies
History and Structure of the English Language
Special Topics
Feature Writing
Total Hours18