Refund of Fees

The university bases refunds for drops or withdrawals on the total tuition the student pays. Students who drop or withdraw are responsible for any remaining tuition payments.  To abide by Texas Education Code 54.006, a total withdraw by the dates listed below will result in a reduction in total assessed tuition provided the student remains enrolled for the semester.  No reduction of fees will be given for withdraws after the dates listed below.  Note:  The semester’s first class day is always the first official day of the semester, not the first day of an individual’s class.

  • A student withdrawing during a fall or spring semester or a summer term of 10 weeks or longer may be eligible for a refund according to the following scale:
Prior to the 1st class day 100 percent
During the first 5 class days 80 percent
During the second 5 class days 70 percent
During the third 5 class days 50 percent
During the fourth 5 class days 25 percent
After the fourth 5 class days None
  • A student withdrawing during a term or session of more than 5 weeks but less than 10 weeks may be eligible for a refund according to the following scale:
Prior to the 1st class day 100 percent
During the 1st, 2nd, 3rd class day 80 percent
During the 4th, 5th, 6th class day 50 percent
The 7th class day and thereafter None
  • A student withdrawing from a term or session of five weeks or less may be eligible for a refund according to the following scale:
Prior to the 1st class day 100 percent
During the 1st class day 80 percent
During the 2nd class day 50 percent
The 3rd class day and thereafter None
  • Students who drop courses within the first 12 class days of a fall or spring term or within the first four (4) days of a summer term will receive a full refund for those courses dropped provided the student remains enrolled for that semester. The university calculates refunds for courses, which a student drops and from which a student later withdraws according to the schedules above.
  • The university will process refunds for mini-terms according to the schedule for summer terms.
  • If a scheduled course fails to materialize by reason of lack of required students, the university will refund all fees for the course.
  • The university will not refund fees for audited courses.
  • The university calculates withdrawal refund for students paying in installments as follows:
  • 100% means he or she will receive a 100% refund of tuition paid.
  • 80% means he or she will receive a refund of 30% (50% paid less 20% owed = 30% refund).
  • 70% means he or she will receive a refund of 20% (50% paid less 30% owed = 20% refund).
  • 50% means he or she will not receive a refund and does not owe any additional tuition (50% paid less 50% owed = 0)
  • 25% means he or she owes an additional 25% of total assessed tuition (50% paid less 75% owed = 25% balance due).